Chocoate Steak

Chocolate steak. Seems weird, but FoodParing says they share common volatile compounds. So why not? Yucatán oregano rounds out the dish with some earthy notes.


1) Prepare the cure [A] by combining the sugar and salt. Rub the steak with it and wrap in paper towels. Let rest in fridge 20 minutes.

2) Prepare the pomade. Combine all the ingredients in [C], excluding the oil, and crush with a mortar and pestle. Stream in just enough oil to bring together once the cocoa beans are finely crushed. The final product should look something like lumpy… I honestly have no idea how to describe it. You know the kind of cement they used in the Middle Ages made with hay and dirt? Sort of like that. It’ll be good, honest!

3) Rinse the steak thoroughly, dry, and apply the pomade. Sear in a cast iron skillet.

© jonathan khouzam 2008/2009